Are You Eating Healthy?
January 16, 2018
Are You Eating Healthy?
Lexor Emman
We have seen and heard about all kinds of food related diseases many people suffer from; the highlights are the problems of obesity, high blood pressure, arthritis…the list goes on. While we may quote for you a series of diet related ailments, the sad part is that many of these ailments are caused by human nature. That is, it is our own doing that we substitute the healthy food for sedentary junks which taste good at the moment but hurt us later on.
However, we are grateful that the awareness was raised on unhealthy food consumption as we transitioned to the 21 century. Today everyone is looking for ways of substituting those big chunks of pizza and French fries. Several books are being written on \”How to get slim fast!\” not forgetting the many slim pills flocking the market while they promise a tighter tummy within days.
The disadvantage however is that many if these diet plans and schemes fail to work. Truth be told, it is just a bunch of clever folks who saw an opportunity to profit on societal problems. Keeping healthy and fit doesn\’t require you to try the \’Diet this or slim that\’ programs. You only need to get back to the health roots; and that is consumption of healthy food. The benefits to rip will be discovered below.
While we know buying organic is expensive, it is worth while compared to the much you can spend treating lifestyle related diseases. The picture of a nice grilled steak dipped in gravy accompanied by a full basket of French fries looks taunting enough, but having the will to push these thoughts aside for more healthy ones determines whether you stay healthy and happy in life. So the next time you go out eating, spare the junk and go for healthy food like boiled salad.
While many kinds of healthy foods are advocated to the health conscious folks, the major recommendations are to try a Vegan raw diet. Wait, did we say Vegan? That\’s right; you have to painfully do away with the grilled steak or KFC and trade them for uncooked veggies. A veggie diet is unfathomable especially if you are a lover of steak bone but let\’s see the benefits of going green in the long-term.
According to health experts, food is rich in nutrients when consumed raw; so the vegan raw diet supplies you with twice the nutrients you would have received when it gets cooked. According to word in the medical sector, cooking accounts for a great loss of nutrients in food. It is even more disastrous when we bring the microwave idea to the picture; microwaving food accounts for loss in the remnant nutrients after cooking food. So this is to say, we basically eat to get full!
No wonder we can\’t stop falling sick every time; to save yourself from this unhealthy diet loophole, you can start your own consumption of vegan raw diet today. You don\’t have to go extremely vegetarian you only have to vary the consumption ratio a bit; having more of the raw healthy food and less of the greasy meat. You have a lot to gain from such a big decision.
The vegan raw diet has the following benefits; there is a high fiber intake when you consume raw vegetarian healthy food. This has been proven to promote a healthy the bowel movements as well as preventing possible attacks of colon cancer. A raw diet is also said to decrease saturated fats in the body; these fats are obtained when we excessively consume meat and dairy products. But the process id reversed if we go vegetarian; this again improves the cardiovascular condition of your heart.
Raw food is richer in carbohydrates compared to when it is cooked. This is to say you get more energy from consuming raw than when cooked. Potassium is also another mineral in abundance when food is eaten uncooked. It helps in balancing water in the body as well as decrease acidity levels. Potassium is also a great catalyst of the kidney to fight toxins in the body. High potassium diets also helps in keeping cancer at bay.
The benefits of raw diet go on; raw foods have been established as great anti-oxidants for the skin. This greatly helps in preventing cell damage plus helps you look a lot younger. So the secret of keeping your youthful looks is in eating right!
So the record has been set by the vegan raw diet. While the thought of going green on our diet scares us, it actually helps in keeping us healthy in the long-term. It only takes some diet adjustments for you to cut expenses to the doctor. And no one said you have to do away with meat and dairy products, you only need the raw diet ratio to be higher than the dairy and meat products. Bottom-line, watch what you eat!
Click here to learn more about
Healthy food
and start your
vegan raw diet
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