Removing Clutter And Organize Room For A Better Life!
August 13, 2022
- Bqdesign.Com.Au
By Christopher Granger
Living in a cluttered space will definitely affect your daily life. It is said that you cannot be a successful person if you cannot even organize your own surroundings. You cannot think straight, you get distracted, and you feel stuffy if you live in a disorganized room. So start removing clutter from your life and check out these tips for organizing your room!
— When you are currently staring at a messy room, do not despair. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. You can start off by removing clutter that are small and leaving only the largest pieces of furniture in the room. If you don’t have space to put all the small clutter in, then place them all in one corner of the room. Make sure that most of the room is now bare.
— Prepare some containers such as cardboard boxes and start organizing all of the clutter that you’ve gathered in the corner. Sort out those that you need from those that can be given away or recycled. Keep yourself from being too sentimental. Keep in mind that it is better for a thing to be made useful by someone else than to simply gather dust in your bedroom.
— After you’ve organized all the items in the corner, grab some essential cleaning items to make the room spic and span. These items are, but aren’t limited to, broom, dust pan, mop, rags for wiping, vacuum cleaner, and antibacterial spray. Start by removing all of the dust, then by using the rags and the mop to thoroughly clean the surfaces. Start by cleaning the ceiling, then the walls and the windows, and finally the floor. Bring all the dust and dirt into the middle of the room, starting at the corners. Don’t forget the areas that are underneath the furniture. After cleaning one corner of the room, move all of your organized things to that corner so that you can clean the corner where they were stored earlier.
— After you’ve cleaned the entire room, re-distribute all of your things in their proper places as neatly and tidily as you can. The things that you often used should be placed in easily accessible areas while things that are seldom used can be stored in hard to reach or hidden areas. For example, if you’re organizing your bedroom, you can store your in season clothes in your closet while you keep your out of season clothes in a trunk.
— Realistically speaking, you might not be able to consistently maintain and organize room by removing clutter, especially if you have a busy schedule but can’t afford a cleaning maid. What you can do is to have a large tray or better yet a table for you to dump your things in when you enter the room. With this in the room you won’t be scattering your things everywhere but concentrating them in one area and then start organizing them when you have the time.
— Here’s a nice tip: Take a picture of the room right after you’ve completely organized it and then frame this picture and display it on a wall in that room. Anytime the room becomes a bit disorganized, look at the picture and remember what it’s supposed to look like. Your mind will make your body work to put it back in place!
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