What 6 Kinds Of Mistakes In Family Kitchen
July 18, 2021
What 6 kinds of mistakes in family kitchen
1 repeatedly scrub aluminium pot
Nowadays, in kitchen there are a lot of aluminum products, such as pressure cookers, kettles, some people like using steel balls, sand, or other coarse materials when clean of aluminum products, this is not science, because aluminum is a kind of element
easily chemical reaction with oxygen in the air, aluminum surface will form a layer of aluminum oxide plays the protective effect of the internal aluminum, such as scrub with a hard object, firstly will destroy the layer of aluminum oxide, thus affect service life, secondly, causes too much aluminum into the food and affect people\’s health.
2, the overnight tap water
Many people have a habit: in the morning often turn on the tap water to brush your teeth, wash, cooking, worse still drinkable tap water. But the latest research found, that there is a kind of bacteria in the overnight tap water – Legionella. If people are infected with Legionella pneumophila bacteria will get a symptom resembles pneumonia \”abnormal\” that doctors often treat it as a treatment for pneumonia, and later found to be invalid. Patients generally have chest pain, lethargy, irritability, depression, blurred consciousness, disorientation and other central nervous symptoms, some accompanied by diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal symptoms, more serious and even cause death.
3, eat leftovers
Some families don\’t like leftovers at the end of meals, whether they are full, they will eat. You should know, if you do that for a long time, it will cause excess nutrients and accumulation of fat, so body gains weight easily, if you also like tasting when cooking, it is easy to get fat.
4, everything is all put into sterilized cupboard
At present, countless families have electronic disinfection bowls. For people who are increasingly emphasis on the health, this is a good thing. Some people may be regarded them as treasure. Everything is put into sterilized cupboard, which is wrong. For example, enamel products are coated with iron products made of a layer of enamel, and enamel contains harmful to human enamel lead and copper compounds, especially colorful paint generally also contain cadmium, at high temperatures they will gradually decompose, attached to the other utensils, containers for food when eating it will endanger human health. Some plastics will decompose toxic substances at high temperatures, but also should not be placed in sterilized cupboard to disinfect.
5, degreasing with detergent
The main ingredient of detergent is sodium alkyl benzene acid, after invasion of the human body, will play significant inhibition effect on human amylase, trypsin, pepsin activity, easy to cause the body mild poisoning, washing powder also contains multi- elements such as phosphorus, etc., there are different degrees of damage effect on the human body. Such as frequent use detergent to clean the bowl of pollution, it will adversely affect human health, therefore, cannot be used to wash dishes with detergent.
6, don\’t put separately knife and chopping board, regardless of raw and cooked
Family kitchen is generally more narrow, with not a lot of opportunity to eat cooked food, some families on both raw and cooked food using the same kitchen knife and a cutting board with, at most, scalded with boiling water before use \”sterile\” But bacteria are often not water may be wiped out by heating a short time, it is likely to cause contamination cooked, easy to get sick after eating. Therefore choppers should be cooked before cutting cooked food, cutting boards there should be dedicated to the cooked food.
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