What Multiple Sclerosis Experts Say..
July 22, 2023
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What Multiple Sclerosis Experts Say..
Neil MacLeod
Inactivity in people with or without MS can result in numerous risk factors associated with coronary heart disease. In addition, it can lead to weakness of muscles, decreased bone density with an increased risk of fracture, and shallow, inefficient breathing.
When youre numb, exhausted, or dragging a leg, its hard to fathom getting up and moving. Moreover, not everyone was a sports nut before MS arrived. In fact, a large number of us agree with the wag who said, When I get the urge to exercise, I lie down until it goes away! But research suggests that exercise can do more than enhance overall health. It can actually reduce MS symptoms.
In the past 10 years that studies have shown exactly how workouts can help people with MS. Research indicates that exercise can decrease fatigue, improve walking speed and balance, and build endurance, strength, and cardiovascular health. It can also off set depression, anxiety, and anger.
There are a few special benefits in MS. For example, some research has shown that exercise and medication together reduce spasticity more effectively than either treatment alone. The three big reasons to get moving:
Better general health.
By improving immunity and general well-being, exercise can help protect people from illnesses such as cardiovascular disease.
Improved performance.
Though for many people improved performance might mean a faster time running the 5K, for people with MS, one can also think of it as better function: improved walking, strength, and other skills.
Enhanced quality of life.
Exercise is energizing, so people can enjoy doing more. Simply put, You are able to do daily activities more easily,
An exercise program needs to be appropriate to the capabilities and limitations of the individual, and may need to be adjusted as changes occur in MS symptoms. A physical therapist experienced with the unique and varied symptoms of MS can be helpful in designing, supervising and revising a well-balanced exercise program. Any person with MS who is initiating a new exercise program should also consult with his or her physician before starting.
Periods of exercise should be carefully timed to avoid the hotter periods of the day and prevent excessive fatigue. With some guidelines, a good exercise program can help to develop the maximum potential of muscle, bone and respiration, thereby avoiding secondary complications and gaining the benefits of good health and well-being.
The Exercise Tip Sheet
Check with your health-care provider before starting something new.
Consult a physical therapist about whats most effective and best for you.
Create some personal incentives rewards, social time, short-term goals, whatever works.
And avoid these errors:
Not warming up: Muscles need time to adjust to new demands. Start slowly and increase intensity gradually.
Pushing yourself: Increase exercise time gradually. Doing a little every day is better than a blowout once a weekso go for frequency.
Not drinking enough water: Dont wait until youre thirsty. Keep water at hand.
Not cooling down afterwards: Plan for rest time! If MS symptoms (especially prickling, numbness, or blurred vision) have increased, they may be heat-related. Use cool water on wrists, neck, and temples. And give yourself time to cool down.
Medicotech Ltd is the UK sole distributor for the Thera-Trainers Active/Passive
Therapy Exercise Equipment
. If you would like information on this excellent range of Therapy Exercise Equipment for people with MS, please contact us on:
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What Multiple Sclerosis Experts Say..