How To Hire Employees Before Opening A Restaurant

October 12, 2022 By Admin

By Mario Churchill

You know how many employees you will need by the size of your restaurant, and the hours you will be open. You need employees for many jobs and they need to be hired before the opening of the restaurant. You will need to find people who will do a good job, and take pride in their work. This will be very important to the reputation of your restaurant, and will greatly contribute to your success.

If you want good, hard working employees, you will need to offer them a good wage and health benefits. If your employees are not happy, it will show in their work. A successful restaurant business is a bit like a family, you should always treat your employees fairly and honestly.

There are many ways for you to go about hiring employees before opening a restaurant. One of them is in the classified section of your newspaper or the online classifieds. If you need special requirements from a worker, you should mention that in the ad. You should also mention type of attitude you expect from a worker- friendly, responsible, a people person, to name a few. The last thing you need is a sad sack who is not friendly with the customers. Hopefully you will be able to read what type of personality a potential hire has at the interview.


The local employment office will usually have a job service section. You can let them know you have an opening and they will add your job offer to their computer database, and post a printout on their bulletin board. There are quite a few people who register their resume with the employment office, that would love a job after you open a restaurant.

You may want to offer a job to a student. You can do so by contacting your local high schools , they may have quite a few students who would like a job working after school and on weekends. Colleges and Universities usually have bulletin boards where you are able to post job openings. Another idea is to recruit your cooks and chefs at a Culinary College.

Once you have opened a restaurant and find you need a bit more help, you can ask your best employees for a recommendation of someone to fill the position. If they are a friend of the employee, hopefully they will have the same working spirit.

Placing an ad in the window of your restaurant, that states you are taking applications for certain jobs is another way to attract potential employees. Give a time you will be available, and a phone where you can be reached. You will then be able to see a group of potential workers within a certain time frame and not be running helter skelter interviewing people to fill the jobs. Get organized.

If you are out grocery shopping, and you see an employee with great energy and an outgoing personality, tell them about the job. If you encounter a person with the qualifications you desire in any other business, you should tell them you are looking for people with the same pep and personality they have, who might be interested in a job in your restaurant. Leave them a card and ask them to pass it on to someone who might like the job.

About the Author: Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information on

how to start a restaurant

checkout his recommended websites.


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