Why Select One Vendor For Truck Parts And Accessories?
November 8, 2018
byAlma Abell
Business owners understand that the even the best equipment will need repairs and possibly replacement from time to time. While some choose to work with multiple vendors, there’s a lot of wisdom in using one vendor for as many needs as possible. This approach to purchasing necessary truck parts and essentials will provide a couple of important benefits.
Consistency in the Quality of Components
One important feature of working with a single vendor is there is never any issues with the quality of the truck parts and accessories that are purchased. The vendor will carry the same brands and models, making it much easier to know what to expect in terms of price and performance. This is important, since the last thing any business owner needs is to purchase a replacement part and find out that it does not offer the same level of service as parts obtained from a different supplier.
Potential for Volume Discounts
Depending on the amount of purchases that are routinely made during the year, there’s a good chance that funneling all of those purchases through a single vendor will result in some sort of pricing discount. The price breaks can take several different forms. One approach is to enter into what is known as a volume purchasing agreement. This approach commits the client to buy a certain amount of accessories and parts over the life of that contract. In return, the vendor extends some type of percentage discount off the standard pricing.
Another approach to the price discount involves providing discounts on individual orders that total over a certain amount. For example, if the customer agrees to purchase ten units of a certain part, the vendor throws in an eleventh part for free. Even if it may be months before that extra part is used, this approach ends up saving the customer money over the course of a year. There’s one additional benefit to ordering all or at least most accessories and parts through one vendor. High quality vendors like Ameriflex Hose and Accessories understand that the need for a crucial part can arise at any time. By purchasing most of the needed parts through the one vendor, there’s a much better chance that all those parts will be kept in the active inventory and be ready for shipment at any time.